The convergence of business activities and technological advancements is accelerating demand for digital infrastructure on a scale never seen before. This is especially true when it comes to Data Centre Construction.
The appetite for instant network access, computing resources and ‘Big Data’ crosses all industries and almost all areas of the economy, with a corresponding demand for configurable servers, data storage, online applications and web services. Advancements in AI (Artificial Intelligence), IoT (Internet of Things) and 5G Broadband are set to cause an upsurge in data traffic as our lives become more interconnected through smart devices which provide real-time access to products, services and information.
Over the past two decades, we have seen an incredible transformation in the way businesses view data processing and storage. The transition to Data Centres and the pace of Data Centre growth has been faster in developed nations as they establish ‘Hyperscale’ and ‘Colocation’ data centres.
According to the recent JLL Report identifies Dublin as the largest European ‘Data Centre Market’ for Hyperscale and Colocation combined. The outlook for Hyperscale Data Centre providers is that Land will continue to be made available but securing planning permission will become more scrutinized. A further €5 billion capital investment expected over the next 4 years as Hyperscale Data Centre ‘self-build’ projects continue. Other Data Centre ‘hotspots’ include London, Paris, Frankfurt and Singapore.
An important factor in ensuring that we don’t ‘buck’ this valuable trend of Data Centre construction in Ireland is ‘successful project delivery’. The Planning, Design, Construction and Operation phases of these projects must be delivered with the utmost efficiency. Data Centre construction, unlike most construction projects, facilitates the stakeholders involved with the opportunity to use ‘lessons learned’ on very similar future phases to improve productivity and reduce waste.
While the clients for these Data Centres are usually global technology giants, the application of construction technology for the build is not a given! This is ironic in a way but the old-school and fragmented nature of the Construction Industry means that the same barriers to the introduction of construction technology still apply to Data Centre construction. However, the clients on these projects tend to understand the benefits of applying construction technology a lot quicker than some other clients. This is no great surprise really. They are technology companies at the end of the day. They understand the power of digitalisation. In many cases, they just weren’t aware that there is an abundance of digital solutions in the Construction Industry. For this reason, we expect Data Centre construction to blaze a trail for the Construction Industry as the stakeholders involved begin to understand how the use of new digital strategies and technological advancements are mutually beneficial. Who knows what we could achieve with the increased use of cloud computing or even quantum computing when the time comes!
The Data Centre market has become increasingly competitive and complex. In line with demand, Project Teams continue to be asked to build faster, cheaper and better! Noting the infamous ‘Time/Cost/Quality Triangle’, this can be a challenge. However, as noted above, Data Centres offer Project Teams the ability to learn from previous projects and apply that knowledge on future projects which tend to be close iterations in a similar manner to how the Manufacturing Industry operates. By taking a mature Digital Project Management approach, an abundance of opportunities for efficiency gains can be found. This innovative and problem-solving attitude is what is required to maintain a foothold in the competitive world of Data Centre construction. Competitive gains come in the form of advanced processes coupled with the best technology available to the market.
No prizes for guessing which Digital Project Management Consultancy is at the forefront of coupling these advanced processes with the digital technology available…